MOSS 2007: Can't upload multiple files and can't use explorer view
:) Summarized version: This is on Windows 2008. (told you it was five words)
Anyway on this machine I wanted to upload a bunch of files a MOSS 2007 site, so I went to the action menu., file upload and… dum dum dum! The multiple file upload was gone! So I decided to switch to cool explorer view and drag the files in that way, nice quick and WRONG! It was broken too :(
Since I really didn't want to upload each file individually because it would take too long I needed to fix one of them, which began my usual problem solving process of try this, Google that, tweak this etc… but nothing worked :( After a while I started to think it was the server and not my machine, but no one else seemed to have an issue, so it must be my machine.
After more problem solving for my machine I stumbled over the problem came from the fact that because I was using Windows 2008 for Hyper-V… thus running 64bit. See in 64bit Windows there is two versions of Internet Explorer a 32bit and a 64bit version and I was running the 64bit version, changing to the 32bit version fixed the problem straight away.
Slide.Show and SharePoint: Part I - Configuring Slide.Show
This is a multi-part series. The other parts can be found at
- Slide.Show and SharePoint: Part II – Getting the data
- Slide.Show and SharePoint: Part III – Deploy and final config
This was inspired by a post on the IWSA group, about how to get a decent slide show in SharePoint using a picture library as a source. The poster went on to say he Slide.Show looked like it would meet his need and wondered if it could be used. For those who do not know Slide.Show is a cool Silverlight 1.0 component which takes a list of images and displays them as a slide show, with the presentation looking brilliant. Slide.Show has options like pausing, skipping the current image, viewing a grid of thumbnails so you select which one to skip to, and even a full screen view! It has in fact over 300 options you can tweak to get it just the way you like it!
/>If you don't know what SharePoint is, how is life under that rock? ;) SharePoint (or as it is officially known as Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) is a cool system too, it has all kinds of functions for document management. One of them is a picture library but the downside of the picture library when displayed normally is a boring list or if you configure it one static picture… *YAWN*. So there is a perfect harmony just waiting occur!
But how can you use Slide.Show together with SharePoint? I wish it was as straight forward to add a web part in, but it isn't. That said it is not difficult to get up and running and requires a few tricks and thinking outside the SharePoint box to get up and running.
The first step is to add a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP), which can be found under the Miscellaneous section.
The CEWP is interesting in that it allows you to set the content using rich text (ala Microsoft Wordpad like options) or actually put the HTML directly into it using the Source Editor option. Being able to put HTML directly in does not mean just HTML, but means that you can actually put anything in it and have total power of what will be rendered! Since we will be using a lot of JavaScript this is exactly what we need to use, to get Slide.Show into SharePoint.
The first step in getting this working is to get Slide.Show setup, so once you have downloaded the source package and extracted it you need to run the release.bat file which will combine a lot of JS files into two files in a release folder. You then need to take the release folder and place it in a folder under your SharePoint web site, which is definitely the cleanest way to configure it, but I preferred to take the Slide.Show folder (part of the files extracted) and place it under the SharePoint web site as it allows me to run some tests to make it easier to get the system setup correctly as in the screen shot below.
If you have also followed my thinking about taking the slightly messier config, you should be able fire up your favorite browser and type in http://<your website>/ which should show you a pure black screen (right click and it should say Silverlight config). The point of that boring sample is that it just makes sure that the content is available, there is no server issues or client issues preventing it for working. Another simple test to check everything is configured correctly is to go to http://<your website>/ which should prompt to download it (like in the picture below).
Now that Slide.Show is configured correctly we will get back to the CEWP we now need to plop the code into it to make it work. Since the CEWP allows us to actually drop in any source, we will use that to put in the JavaScript we need for Slide.Show to work. This is where we lose the straight-forwardness of doing this, because if you thought you could follow the Slide.Show quick start guide and get it to work… you would be screwed. This is because we can't put in the <script> tags in the header of the page like the quick start guide tells us as SharePoint won’t let that happen. So our first step is to put our own code in to load and run the JS files and then we can then start using Slide.Show as normal.
To do this we first need a to tell the system that we will be running some JavaScript by a normal script tag:
Note: A complete version of the JavaScript is available at the end of the article without number to allow for easy copy and paste.
1: <script language="JavaScript">
Next we will use the XMLHttpRequest class to load the JS file synchronously. However if we just called XMLHttpRequest then this would only work in real web browsers (IE 7 and higher, Firefox etc…) but since so many people use older IE versions we need to cater for them by adding a bit of code like this (source of the next 8 lines is not my bubble like mind but Wikipedia):
1: // Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x:
2: if( typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined" ) XMLHttpRequest = function() {
3: try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0") } catch(e) {}
4: try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0") } catch(e) {}
5: try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch(e) {}
6: try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch(e) {}
7: throw new Error( "This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest." )
8: };
For the following example we will just load one file, but when we are done we will need to repeat this for all our JS files:
1: var silverlightRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
2:"GET", "/", false);
3: silverlightRequest.send(null);
NOTE: If you have put Slide.Show in a different location to me then you need to adjust the second line as needed.
The last line of loading the file is to call the eval function which will allows us to execute the JavaScript from the JS we retrieved. This enables the classes and methods will be available to us:
1: eval(silverlightRequest.responseText);
Once we have loaded both Slide.Show JS files, we can then use Slide.Show as normal by calling:
1: new SlideShow.Control();
1: </script>
Now click OK to close the HTML source code editor and OK (or apply) again for the web part and it should give us the same result as our first test, the empty sample. That’s kind of boring so to end off part one in this series lets modify the Slide.Show creation line to load a configuration file from one of the samples, and we will use the Flickr one as it requires nothing on the machine. The modified Slide.Show creation line with the configuration specified looks like:
1: new SlideShow.Control(new SlideShow.XmlConfigProvider({ url: "/" }));
The full JavaScript that we would place in the CEWP to get it this far would look like this:
<script language=
// Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x:
if( typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined" ) XMLHttpRequest = function() {
try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0") } catch(e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0") } catch(e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch(e) {}
try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch(e) {}
throw new Error( "This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest." )
var silverlightRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", "/", false);
var slideshowRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", "/", false);
new SlideShow.Control(new SlideShow.XmlConfigProvider({ url: "/" }));
- Update – 25 Sept 2008: I have cleaned up this post a bit to make it easier to understand.
- Update – 26 Sept 2008: Added information/fix to get it to work on older IE versions.
Silverlight: Lessons Learnt
To check the video go to
Complex Reporting: Part 5 - Wrap up
The next problem is the Export To option in SRS, where you can export to a variety of formats such as PDF, Excel etc… Having sub-reports within table cells is NOT supported by the Excel one, you just a gray block were the sub report would be. PDF, TIFF, and web archive all work fine. If your users are expect to export to Excel you need to rethink using this.
Lastly you have to make sure you set the width and height and lock the cells on the report and sub-reports to not expand and shrink. If you don’t get the width/height the same all over what happens is your cells don’t align between the report and sub-reports and it looks shocking.
Complex Reporting: Part 4 - Introducing Sub-Reports
So how do we use them? Well if we look back at our previous image where we had the fields scattered all over there is a distinct pattern here, basically there are 5 blocks (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Total) in a row under each fiscal year for each commodity/deal, and the horizontal total row at the end is basically the same.
What we can do is merge those five cells on the table together and insert a sub report into that merged cell, and since all the groups are the same they can all point to the same report. The exception is the horizontal total row, which is the same in look is calculated a little differently. So we only need two sub-reports and we would structure it as follows:
So how does the sub report know what to show? Well remember it’s a normal SRS so you can just parameters to it, and because it’s in a cell of a table you can just access the values from row that is being rendered. So all we need to do is pass two parameters, the fiscal year and the commodity.
Now the complexity is easy since it’s just a simple bit of SQL using the same UNION stuff as we used before:
SELECT f1q1value, f1q2value, f1q3value, f1q4value FROM Deals WHERE (deal = @projectid) AND (fiscal1 = @fiscal) UNION SELECT f2q1value, f2q2value, f2q3value, f2q4value FROM Deals WHERE (deal = @projectid) AND (fiscal2 = @fiscal) UNION SELECT f3q1value, f3q2value, f3q3value, f3q4value FROM Deals WHERE (deal = @projectid) AND (fiscal3 = @fiscal) UNION SELECT '0','0','0','0'
If you read that and saw the last SELECT and went, WHOA, good for spotting it. What’s happening is that I always want a result regardless, so that I don’t get issues caused by missing fields. So by adding that and only selecting the top record I ensure that there is always a value, even if it is zero. The total column on the sub report is just a calculated field adding the four values up.
For the total row sub report, it’s basically the exact same except we are now wrapping the fields in SUM’s, that’s the only change. The last thing to make sure of is that for the initial table on the main report you get all the commodities for all the periods. To do that your SQL needs to take into all the possibilities like so:
SELECT Deal FROM Deals WHERE ((fiscal1 = @FiscalYear) OR (fiscal2 = @FiscalYear) OR (fiscal3 = @FiscalYear) OR (CAST(RIGHT(fiscal2,2) AS Int) = CAST(RIGHT(@FiscalYear,2) AS Int)+1) OR (CAST(RIGHT(fiscal2,2) AS Int) = CAST(RIGHT(@FiscalYear,2) AS Int)+2) OR (CAST(RIGHT(fiscal3,2) AS Int) = CAST(RIGHT(@FiscalYear,2) AS Int)+1) OR (CAST(RIGHT(fiscal3,2) AS Int) = CAST(RIGHT(@FiscalYear,2) AS Int)+2)) ORDER BY Deal@FiscalYear is the name of our drop down we mentioned earlier and we use a little bit of SQL to get it into an INT and manipulate it to give us every possible combination.
Before I finish, I will be at TechEd Africa next week and will likely not be posting until Thursday or Friday. If you are attending come and see my talk on WPF!!
Complex Reporting: Part 3 - Structure
Our fields would have to look like this:
So note how F1Q1Value appears in a different place in each row, try building that in a table or matrix. You just can’t! Also now think about the requirement for sub totals, going horizontal is ok in concept but going vertical is tough because you are adding the values of a lot of different fields together.
So how do you go about building this? Well the financial year indicators at the top could just be calculated from the value from the drop down and put into three text boxes. The next row, which is the header row for quarters could also be text boxes or the header row of a table since it doesn’t change, then we would need a table below that for the commodity names and values, but how do we get the values of the field to dynamically change based on the commodity? If you go back to part 1, you’ll remember I mentioned sub-reports, but I will get to that next time.
Complex Reporting: Part 2 - Report Requirements
So the drop down is a simple SRS parameter which is connected to a data set which does a simple SQL command:
SELECT DISTINCT Fiscal1 AS Fiscal FROM Deals UNION SELECT DISTINCT Fiscal2 AS Fiscal FROM Deals UNION SELECT DISTINCT Fiscal3 AS Fiscal FROM Dealsand then set the value and name of the drop down to the Fiscal field.
The next requirement is actually telling us something very subtle, which is at the core of the complexity. That is that if I choose FY06, the report will render FY06, FY07 and FY08 and that if a commodity starts in any of those years it must be shown. So we are not ONLY showing what starts in FY06, we are showing things that start in FY07 and FY08 too. This means our final result should look like:
If you are a regular SRS developer your gut is telling you that it is just a table, or maybe a matrix, unfortunately it’s a little more than that. But we will look at that next time.
The last requirement, sub totals, is very easy and logical (especially looking at the image above) so I am not going to go into detail about that.
Team Foundation Server could not resolve the user or group
Next up was the migration of VSS to TFS, which was actually not a major requirement as it is just there for legacy projects. All active projects would have to check their code into new TFS projects planned to create in TFS. The key benefit of this is it would allow us to align with EPM better than the migration tool would allow us to. I created a project, and imported the 1.7Gb of source code into it! It took some time. Then I needed to add the users, and this is where I met a problem.
Regardless if I used the command line, or the TFS admin tool or the GUI I kept getting an error: Team Foundation Server could not resolve the user or group. <AD Distinguished Name of the User>. The user or group might be a member of a different domain, or the server might not have access to that domain. Verify the domain membership of the server and any domain trusts.
The AD issue and TFS issue both revolved around the fact that in our AD the Authenticated Users (AuthUsers) group does not have read permissions to our users and the containers they are in. This is odd to the outside person because when AD is setup the AuthUsers group does have permissions, so why would our AD be different and what are the implications of changing it. The reason there is a difference is because our AD is setup according to Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (you can read more about it here) which specifically removes the AuthUsers group permissions for security reasons (i.e. to prevent users from seeing other customers). Because of this change, the GPO could not access the users accounts and neither could TFS read from AD what it needed.
To solve this for TFS meant giving AuthUsers read permissions to the users who needed to access TFS and their immediate container while for AD/GPO it required just AuthUsers to have permissions on the container for the users (it doesn’t need the permissions on the actual users) and all it’s parent containers. Once those were done the group policies and TFS started to work 100%.
That’s great but what is the impact to the hosted environment and is this the best way to solve the issue? Well this does open up a security risk in that customers could see other customers, simply by logging into the domain. For us this is mitigated as we are not offering hosted TFS, this is just for our own internal staff who are aware of who our customers are and we aren’t worried if our customers know about our staff. It is also very difficult for a customer to see other customers as most applications don’t allow it and those that do allow it in their standard configurations, such as MSCRM, ignore it in a HMC environment.
In regards to is this the best way to solve the issue, my view is that it is not it. You should run a separate AD for each customer, this is a normal AD system which runs at the client premises and using the Customer Integration component of HMC (which is based on MIIS) sync the customer AD to the hosted AD. This means that you could run GPO’s and TFS on the customer site without the need to change anything in a hosted way.
Complex Reporting: Part 1 - Introduction
- What needs to be displayed is so simple in concept, that you get misled into thinking it’s easy.
- To do this you need to use a component of SRS which is seldom needed, sub-reports.
Disclaimer: Most of this has been changed to protect the innocent, so the report images are drawn in Visio and are not real images, the customer doesn’t sell commodities (especially not coffee and beer) and the data is completely faked.
So lets look at the data structure, it’s a simple single table (no I didn’t have anything with the design of this), which has a Deal field for the name of commodity; Fiscal1, Fiscal2, Fiscal3 store the years that relate to each year we are tracking and the FxQxValue is the value for that year and quarter.
Lets look at how this would look with sample data, this is the same data we will use for the rest of the series:
Next time we will look at the report requirements itself and start to look at how to build it.