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The purpose of this lesson is to show off string templating and the Koan starts with some interesting examples

fun example1(a: Any, b: Any) = "This is some text in which variables ($a, $b) appear."

fun example2(a: Any, b: Any) = “You can write it in a Java way as well. Like this: “ + a + “, “ + b + “!”

fun example3(c: Boolean, x: Int, y: Int) = “Any expression can be used: ${if (c) x else y}”

If you are used to string templates from C# and JavaScript this should be fairly simple to understand.

The fourth example is interesting

fun example4() = """ You can use raw strings to write multiline text. There is no escaping here, so raw strings are useful for writing regex patterns, you don't need to escape a backslash by a backslash. String template entries (${42}) are allowed here. """

This brought up something I’ve never heard of, raw strings. Raw strings seem to be the Python way of saying a Verbatim string… which I didn’t know was the official term.

The actual Koan here is about converting this fun getPattern() = """\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}""" to a different regular expression, using a string template:

fun task5(): String = """\d{2}\s$month\s\d{4}"""

It isn’t that interesting and really, if you don’t know regular expressions this could be tougher than it needs be.