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Continuing our break from the Koans today and going to look at another cool trick I learnt using Kotlin this week and focusing on the when keyword we learnt about previously;

Let’s start with a simple function to return the text for a value using when:

fun step1(number: Int):String { var result = ""; when (number) { 0 -> result = "Zero" 1 -> result = "One" 2 -> result = "Two" }
return result;


The next evolution is we can avoid creating a variable and returning directly (this is something I would do often in .NET)

fun step2(number: Int):String { when (number) { 0 -> return "Zero" 1 -> return "One" 2 -> return "Two" }
return ""


And now we get to the cool part, we can just return the when! fun step3(number: Int):String { return when (number) { 0 -> “Zero” 1 -> “One” 2 -> “Two” else -> “” } }

Yup, the when can return a value which means we can also do one final trick:

fun step4(number: Int):String = when (number) { 0 -> "Zero" 1 -> "One" 2 -> "Two" else -> "" }

It is so cool that your logic can just return from a condition, and it works with if statements too and even with the Elvis operator we learnt yesterday:

fun ifDemo3(name:String?) = name ?: "Mysterious Stranger"