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This post is the first to cover multiple Koans in a single post.

The 10th in our series is very simple coming from C# because Extension Functions in Kotlin are identical as Extension Methods in C#, though they are much cleaner in their implementation.

In their example for the Koan we add a lastChar and lastChar1 function to the String class.

fun String.lastChar() = this.get(this.length - 1)

// ‘this’ refers to the receiver (String) and can be omitted fun String.lastChar1() = get(length - 1)

For the Koan itself, we need to an r function to Int and Pair<int, int> which returns an instance of RationalNumber, which we do as follows:

fun Int.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(this, 1) fun Pair.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(first, second)

An additional learning on this, was the Pair<A, B> class which is similar to the Tuple class from C#.

When we get into the second Koan, we get exposed to some of the built-in extension’s functions in Kotlin which ship out of the box; in this case, we use sortedDescending extension method with the Java collection. It is a great example of mixing Java and Kotlin too:

fun task12(): List { return arrayListOf(1, 5, 2).sortedDescending() }