The 9th/8th/7th/6th year of DevConf, depending on how you count it… and what an amazing year! There was a strong demand that it should be called DuckConf going forward 😂 I can’t commit to that, but I think Ms. Duckworth will be back in some way for 2025.
What worked?

Feedback via the ratings is still coming in, but looking at social media many, many, many, many, many, many people had an amazing time.
For me, something which was at one point not happening cause of budget concerns, turned out to be amazing and that was badge hacking. It was wonderful to see people with ribbons or art or other stickers on the badges.

DevConf is the combined work of many people, first and foremost, my partner in all things DevConf, Candice Mesk. I could not do this without her; her hard work is so much of this event.
Working hand in hand with us, are Michelle, Judith, Tanya, Celeste and the rest of the team from Fizz Marketing. They have handled the logistical side and allowed Candice and me to do this while having full-time jobs for years. This event is a success thanks to them.
Joining us for the first time this year as DevConf staff, was Marié, who handled all the social media. This is a massively exhausting job to do on the days, and I am grateful to Marie for all she did this year!
DevConf costs a fortune to run and ticket prices are kept as low as possible thanks to the sponsors! This event would not be possible without them… or it would have R10k tickets and no one would come… so the same thing.
Last but not least are the speakers themselves, they give up months to prep and plan talks and I am honoured they chose to do all that work and spend all that energy in exchange for a jacket and some dinners.
How to count DevConf years?
- It is the 9th calendar year, as it was started in 2015
- We have run it 8 times in Gauteng which (since I am in Cape Town) includes Joburg
- We have run it 7 times in Joburg proper, as in 2023 we ran it in Pretoria
- We have run it 6 times in Cape Town.