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When you work with delimited data (CSV, TSV etc…) it can be a pain to just see the data in a nice way, for example, this data:

cat people-example.csv.txt First Name,Last Name,Country,age “Bob”,“Smith”,“United States”,24 “Alice”,“Williams”,“Canada”,23 “Malcolm”,“Jone”,“England”,22 “Felix”,“Brown”,“USA”,23 “Alex”,“Cooper”,“Poland”,23 “Tod”,“Campbell”,“United States”,22 “Derek”,“Ward”,“Switzerland”,25

With Unix like OSs, you can use the column command to format the layout; for example:

column -t -s’,’ people-example.csv.txt First Name Last Name Country age “Bob” “Smith” “United States” 24 “Alice” “Williams” “Canada” 23 “Malcolm” “Jone” “England” 22 “Felix” “Brown” “USA” 23 “Alex” “Cooper” “Poland” 23 “Tod” “Campbell” “United States” 22 “Derek” “Ward” “Switzerland” 25

With Windows, you can use Import-CSV and Format-Table in PowerShell:

Import-Csv .\people-example.csv.txt | Format-Table

First Name Last Name Country age

Bob Smith United States 24 Alice Williams Canada 23 Malcolm Jone England 22 Felix Brown USA 23 Alex Cooper Poland 23 Tod Campbell United States 22 Derek Ward Switzerland 25