Robert MacLean
18 September 2012
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I have been talking a lot about Windows 8 recently and my slides have been using the architecture images Microsoft releases at Build 2011 & that awesome one Doug Seven created. However I have still found a lot of discussion exists even with those and they are showing their age.
I have tried to create a new one recently that addresses those issue:
- Age: DirectX can be used by VB/C# in addition to C++ now.
- Age: How does Windows Phone 8 fit the picture – note this may change, it is based on my assumptions and half info we have gotten.
- Discussion: Is WinJS = WinRT?
- Discussion: is .NET = WinRT?
- Discussion: Can I use my own JavaScript libraries like jQuery?
- Discussion: Can I use WinJS on the web?
- Discussion: Can I build desktop apps on Windows 8?
- Discussion: Can desktop apps run on Windows 8 ARM CPU's.
- Discussion: How does the language projection fit in?
Clearly this wouldn’t work in a single image – so I have created a slide deck that has a great overview image and also has build up experiences where step-by-step it builds the image with information and hopefully during that answers all the questions.