As I have been submitting a number of Windows Phone 7 apps and in the market place is a nice dashboard which shows downloads, crashes etc…
The problem is that I have been very frustrated that my stats for my applications aren’t there!
In the screenshot my cricket run rate tool is missing!
So I contacted the marketplace support, who are BRILLIANT, to see if they could help and they told me it is BY DESIGN Here is what they sent me:
The details you are trying to view in App Hub reflect a delay, by design. Newly published apps will not appear on the download report for 10 days, and of that data there will be a 6 day lag.
I don’t understand the reason for this but at least there is a cause and I just need to be patient and eventually my states will appear
Thankfully I can augment these stats with Rudi Grobler’s excellent Keep An Eye app which lets me from my Windows Phone see the status of my apps!