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monolith[This blog is part of a larger series, to find more parts in the series please see the Series Index]

The .NET Framework is a large and complex system supporting many languages and when I do battle with the gods of code, my weapon of choice is C#.

When you create a C# project you get a reference to Microsoft.CSharp added and if you ever looked in there it is really sparse – just two classes:


2001-a-space-odyssey-apeAs all other languages have a similar assembly, and maybe you had the same monkey thought I did “Those are just some low level stuff for the language, nothing I want.”

I was wrong, again. Maybe the C# doesn’t have much, but the Microsoft.VisualBasic is not just low level plumbing but includes an monolith full of goodness!


You may be asking how can C# developers use an assembly written in VB.NET? The answer is: very easily Smile 

All assemblies are actually IL (intermediate language) which means that no matter what language a .NET assembly is developed in, you can use it in the language of your choice.

This blog series will cover some of the goodness is available in this assembly and hopefully at the end, you will be a better, faster and more productive C# developer thanks to VB.NET!