Robert MacLean
30 April 2009
The stats are based off of IIS log parsing as well as off of the stats information from SharePoint (which powers it).
Previous Stats:
Some notes on it:
- Compared to last month fairly flat - but that reflects the group this month. Not much has happened.
- The Publications page remained at the top of pages, and despite other usage numbers going down - it went up. The content is a big draw card.
- Distinct Users means people which can be identified through logs/tracking to be unique (it’s not an exacting science so there may be people who are counted more than once while others are grouped together as they come from behind a proxy). They are not members and can include things like search bots. I don’t care about the number too much on this but rather the trend.
- Registered Members are people who have completed the registration form on the website.
- New members climbed by 6 which is on par with the last 5 months or so.
Below is the pretty excel image stats - click it for a bigger version: