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Do you miss TechEd? Do you miss a big conference where the passage conversations with the best presenters in the country and from around the world can happen? Do you miss having too many choices for topics to attend cause they all sound great?

I do. The conference space in SA has shifted a lot in the last few years with niche events happening, but very little broad events focused on networking, skilling up and the challenges faced by the modern developer in South Africa who must wear multiple hats. Together with the Developer User Group we are join to fix that!

Come 8th March, in Johannesburg, we will have a new full day conference called DevConf! It has multiple tracks jammed full of content for you including talks convering programming techniques, tools & frameworks, databases, DevOps and the softer skill stuff (like dealing with teams). The event has over 40 speakers including the best from South Africa and internationally. Personally I am so excited to see Willy-Peter Schaub from Microsoft in Canada come out to share about how they use Agile!

Tickets are on sale right now and all the details can be found at