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Screenshot.12018.1000000In my sabbatical to Redmond I learnt there are two departments at Microsoft who you never want to hear from because it is never good, one being HR and the second being Legal. On the 13th May I got an email from Microsoft’s legal dept., and it wasn’t good.

Microsoft after 60 000+ downloads, almost 6 months & even getting some mail from members of the Bing team, decided that my application, Bing my lockscreen, violated their copyright (It did, I am not disputing that) and so it was to be suspended until it was fixed.

So in the last two updates I have done the process to rename a Windows Store App and I am proud to notify you that the application is now called Amazing Lock Screen & is available in the store again!

In addition to the rename, I have made two UI changes in the latest release:

  • Hero Image: The latest image is shown double the size of the previous ones & shows the image copyright text on it (similar to the Bing web site does).
  • AppBar: The AppBar (the bit at the bottom of the Window) is now hidden by default, like most other Windows Store apps. The reason for the changes is I think the users are getting used to the Windows Style so I do not need to prompt as much as when Windows 8 was launched.