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Not my job super hero

This is the first in the second act of the trio of sections that this series has, and it focuses on what it is like to be a software developer. When I first wrote this, I did it for a university talk and thought the advice on what it is really like to be a software developer might help the students understand what they will find and get successful faster. Since I have been consulting and speaking to many people, I have realised that there are developers at every level who do not know these things and some, especially very talented and senior, feel they are there to sit alone and churn out “perfect code”… and they are wrong.

If I were to distil what software development is about to a word, it is tradeoffs. We are always making tradeoffs, and in terms of what those trade-offs are, it is just 3 things: Capacity, Time and Features. Very simply, if you want to change one - you need to change at least one more of them and sometimes two others.

I have always liked visualising this as a semi-rigid triangle with each being a side of the triangle.


The time aspect is probably the easiest to think about; it is how long it will take. This can be viewed as the whole project, but also can be viewed down to individual tasks.


This used to be called People and Resources but we should always remember that People are not resources; and when we think of this as People or Resources we miss the nuance of this.

When working with this triangle and talking about the costs of a project, capacity often aligns nicely with people, so if you want to lower the costs this is an obvious one, that means you would need to increase time (i.e. how long it will take) or decrease features. Capacity though is not just about costs; for example, if you have a single developer you might feel you can move capacity… but it can be changed.

Are you context-switching a lot? That has an impact on capacity. Are they doing a lot of maintenance work? again, impacts capacity. Even the modern view that scrum has failed, is in part a realisation that the cost of scrum is directly on the capacity side without a greater or even equal impact on the time side.

Even how psychologically safe your environment impacts this because a higher-stress environment lowers the capacity for your people to deliver.


Finally is features, this is not only what the software does but how it does it. Do we build a feature in a way that meets the needs now or also ones that we foresee coming in a feature months? Those are effectively two different sizes of the same thing; i.e. features is not one-to-one to the stories or epics in your backlog.

Features also incorporate quality, observability, and non-functional requirements (FYI Donald Graham’s DevConf talk is a must-watch on non-functional requirements… so checkout the DevConf YouTube for when it comes out. A feature you create with shitty code versus great code has different sizes here.


Now that we have the triangle and we understand the trade-off, it comes back to our initial rule that our job is not about coding. Yes, the triangle has aspects of coding but our goal is to ship a solution and to do that successfully, it is the identify what will impact the trade-offs, and find solutions to that. If you can do that, you will be way more of a successful developer and, importantly, the code you do write will be code that matters… not just a bunch of electrons sitting idle on a disk.

What can you control about this?

  1. Avoid the “it’s not my job” view, the goal is shipping software which is used. That is a team sport and if you can help achieve that but doing something outside your comfort zone, it is worth doing.

  2. Finally, while remembering the triangle - also remember Hofstadter’s Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.