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cyber heart

The more I work with startups, the more I realise how important this rule is - it does define the difference between success and failure; very simply your software is alive and it is your job as a software developer to keep it alive.

This starts with your DevOps strategy, and investing into that. Having a build provides a heartbeat for the project and when a commit breaks the build… it is like a flat-lined heart. The code in your repo should always be ready to ship; that heartbeat is the sign that it is ok. The benefit of this is that it is the first step to continuous deployment which is the ideal goal.

Once you have software running, it is still your responsibility to keep it alive. Stats show that 80% of the software development cost is accrued while maintaining the software. This blows my mind if something costs R100 000 to build… it will cost R400 000 to maintain! So everything you can do to lower maintenance costs has MASSIVE benefits in terms of cost savings.

As such, I truly believe we need to change the view that software developers are builders and architects, and rather realise we are gardeners or farmers. We prep the fields, plant, collect data on the growth, adjust the fertilisers and eventually harvest… but that is not the end, we need to prepare the fields for the next season. The model matches how we work so well, and more importantly, reminds us of our responsibility to living systems.

So what can you do in your own life and team to improve this?

  1. Ship early, ship often, and get feedback: The shorter your cycles of getting content out to your customers and users, the faster you will understand what works and what does not. We often think of this in the realm of shipping versions or deployments, but I have found that even testing benefits from this. Leaving testing to the end of a project is a way to slow it down. Start UAT in your second week and you’ll find you will ship faster.

  2. Focusing on maintenance is likely the best way to lower costs on a project. Anything you can do, from using services from your cloud provider to get better logs, more observability, and tools to help you debug and admin the system is going to help.

  3. Finally, the more risky a thing is - the more often you should do it. We solve risk, not by red tape but by doing it more and solving the issues which come up.