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[Note: See the series index for a list of all parts in this series.]


A few people have battled with getting all the bits of code scattered in the series together to actually work. This is not only due to the fact they are scattered, but part III for example was not showing the code correctly and there was a bug in part IV. I have gone back and fixed those issues and to help further here is the full code in one big view (click read more if needed to see it).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Packaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ReadFromExcel
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Cell> parsedCells = new List<Cell>();
            string fileName = @"C:\Users\bbdnet0758\Desktop\Demo.xlsx";
            Package xlsxPackage = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                PackagePartCollection allParts = xlsxPackage.GetParts();

                PackagePart sharedStringsPart = (from part in allParts
                                                 where part.ContentType.Equals("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml")
                                                 select part).Single();
                XElement sharedStringsElement = XElement.Load(XmlReader.Create(sharedStringsPart.GetStream()));

                Dictionary<int, string> sharedStrings = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                ParseSharedStrings(sharedStringsElement, sharedStrings);                

                XElement worksheetElement = GetWorksheet(1, allParts);

                IEnumerable<XElement> cells = from c in worksheetElement.Descendants(ExcelNamespaces.excelNamespace + "c")
                                              select c;

                foreach (XElement cell in cells)
                    string cellPosition = cell.Attribute("r").Value;
                    int index = IndexOfNumber(cellPosition);
                    string column = cellPosition.Substring(0, index);
                    int row = Convert.ToInt32(cellPosition.Substring(index, cellPosition.Length - index));
                    int valueIndex = Convert.ToInt32(cell.Descendants(ExcelNamespaces.excelNamespace + "v").Single().Value);

                    parsedCells.Add(new Cell(column, row, sharedStrings[valueIndex]));

            //From here is additional code not covered in the posts, just to show it works
            foreach (Cell cell in parsedCells)

        private static void ParseSharedStrings(XElement SharedStringsElement, Dictionary<int, string> sharedStrings)
            IEnumerable<XElement> sharedStringsElements = from s in SharedStringsElement.Descendants(ExcelNamespaces.excelNamespace + "t")
                                                          select s;

            int Counter = 0;
            foreach (XElement sharedString in sharedStringsElements)
                sharedStrings.Add(Counter, sharedString.Value);

        private static XElement GetWorksheet(int worksheetID, PackagePartCollection allParts)
            PackagePart worksheetPart = (from part in allParts
                                         where part.Uri.OriginalString.Equals(String.Format("/xl/worksheets/sheet{0}.xml", worksheetID))
                                         select part).Single();

            return XElement.Load(XmlReader.Create(worksheetPart.GetStream()));

        private static int IndexOfNumber(string value)
            for (int counter = 0; counter < value.Length; counter++)
                if (char.IsNumber(value[counter]))
                    return counter;

            return 0;

    internal static class ExcelNamespaces
        internal static XNamespace excelNamespace = XNamespace.Get("");
        internal static XNamespace excelRelationshipsNamepace = XNamespace.Get("");

    public class Cell
        public Cell(string column, int row, string data)
            this.Column = column;
            this.Row = row;
            this.Data = data;

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("{0}:{1} - {2}", Row, Column, Data);

        public string Column { get; set; }
        public int Row { get; set; }
        public string Data { get; set; }